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"June 16th, 2358: Went out tonight and got another photo of the Beacon. I had to walk halfway around the lake to get a shot with the moon Vendakal in the background, but I like the way it looked. I know it's irrational, but this beacon thing creeps me out. The rest of the crew insist that there have been no changes detected, but I could swear that it's gotten brighter, more intense, since our arrival.

I overheard Dr. Hansel talking about how something had been "unlocked" but nobody will tell us any more. Captain Jenkins of course gives us the same jatcrap about military jurisdiction. That makes me so angry. I mean, we're supposed to be working on this together, right?"

The previous transcript is the final entry in the journal of Jessica Simmons, Biology Officer on the I.T.C. Valiant. Two weeks later, a rescue shuttle landed on Umilith near the base camp of the Valiant. Although the ship was intact with full operability, none of the crew were ever located.