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Fire, Water, War and Peace.

Fire, Water, War and Peace

On Baramock II, the 4th planet in the Janus system, there is an order of monks that follow the teachings of an ancient series of scrolls known as the "G'oleroth". A rough translation of a portion of the G'oleroth alludes to the unique "cleansing" properties of both fire and water, and the inherent power that can be tapped or harnessed once a full cleansing or purification is complete and the two are combined.

The deity Kaalrash holds fire and a Rektic blade in his right hands, and water and a Quelnsing (the symbol for harmony) in his left hands. Beneath the surface of the planet within the temple, the purification rituals of the monks have been practiced for over 7000 years.

At the end of each full cycle of their lunar rotation, the monks reverse their roles and learn the ways of the opposing power. According to their teachings, this is the only way that true balance and understanding can be preserved.

What these trials consist of specifically we do not yet know, as no Earthling has yet been allowed into the training grounds to witness the trials.